Immaculate Conception School is firmly guided by its religious and academic purpose. We partner with parents in our journey of faith. Integration of the spiritual and academic dimensions is essential to the education of the whole child. Our goal is to instill a sense of individual responsibility, to build self-confidence, to encourage compassionate service to our neighbor, and to teach decision-making skills in all of the traditional academic disciplines. The basic curriculum provides instruction in religion, mathematics, language arts, reading, science, and social studies. Students also participate in weekly art, computer, library, Spanish, and music classes.
The ICS Community is proud of its achievements and strives continuously to assess and tailor classroom instruction in order to enhance our academic programs. The faculty differentiates instruction to meet the individual needs of our students, and implements widespread use of technology to meet these needs. Additionally, Immaculate Conception School offers accelerated mathematics and language arts classes to those who qualify. Students’ academic needs are also supported through our Special Services department and the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission.
The faculty and staff thank you, Parents, for entrusting your children's education to our care. Be assured that, with the grace of God and with your support and encouragement, we will continue to provide an excellent, faith-based, family-oriented education for your children. God bless you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Mrs. Katie Parsells
Principal of Immaculate Conception School
ICS '99 and IHS '03